OpenShift 4 Developer Preview

OCP 4.0 is not out yet but you have the chance to get your hands dirty by going to the following URL Log in with your redhat account and you should be good to go. You will notice that we are using a new installer called openshift-installer. The installer uses terraform to build the…

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Building RocketChat as an ansible playbook bundle on OpenShift Container platform (fix for ocp 3.7)

The current apb-1.0.4-1.el7.noarch in OpenShift 3.7 enterprise from the rhel-7-server-ose-3.7-rpms channel is currently broken. When you try to list apb’s you will get the following error: apb push Exception occurred! unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘NoneType’ and ‘str’ Now I will show you how you can fix this. It is important to follow the steps…

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OpenShift 3.4 Standalone Registry (Atomic Registry)

I realized today that the current OpenShift 3.4 documentation around installing the standalone registry is missing an important parameter. Here is the link to the bug openshift_master_default_subdomain missing . Its a small error but has some impact as the route registry-console-default.yourdomain will not be exposed externally. Remember the standalone OpenShift registry is a full OpenShift…

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