RabbitMQ ipv6 DNS names Solved

Last week I was building up a RabbitMQ cluster with shovel from New York to Los Angeles. As we use a dual stack environment ipv4/v6, I expected that RabbitMQ would resolve the ipv6 address  first as normal Linux systems do. So I begun to do my tests and realized, that it didn’t.

My publisher  (see code below) sends messages to the following host: “‘rabbitmq0.domb.net‘”

from amqplib import client_0_8 as amqp
import sys

conn = amqp.Connection('rabbitmq0.domb.net', userid="logger", password="test", virtual_host="/", insist=False)
chan = conn.channel()

for i in range(1000):
#msg = amqp.Message(sys.argv[1])
sendmsg = "paket ny:" + str(i)
msg = amqp.Message(sendmsg)
msg.properties["delivery_mode"] = 2

Executing that code I got the following error:


It looked like rabbit does not get the ipv6 address back. To be sure I looked at the DNS logs and traced the request with tcpdump and got the confirmation that it resolve ipv4 addresses first. So I was wondering what if I add an ipv6 address does it work?

Here an example with a ipv6 address:

from amqplib import client_0_8 as amqp
import sys

conn = amqp.Connection('[2625:103:2012::205a]:5672', userid="logger", password="test", virtual_host="/", insist=False)
chan = conn.channel()

for i in range(1000):
#msg = amqp.Message(sys.argv[1])
sendmsg = "paket ny:" + str(i)
msg = amqp.Message(sendmsg)
msg.properties["delivery_mode"] = 2

Yes it does.

As I need ipv6 and couldn’t find the code where the erlang parameter gets passed I wrote to the RabbitMQ mailing list.


And got a fast response and a fix from Emile Joubert from rabbitmq 4 days later. Thank you very much!!!  Will test the patch this week.

Here is the patch


If you don’t know howto rebuild the rpm you can have mine until the official comes out. Use it at your own risk!
