DD-WRT (linksys e3000) + gpxe + ISCSI (NS4600) + RHEL6

The goal of this post is to install a RHEL6 Server onto an ISCSI san disk and let it boot via gxpe.

1. Create an ISCSI disk on NS4600

  1. Log in to the Promise Array Storage Manager (PASM).
  2. Go to Administrator and enter the Main Menu.
  3. Click on RAID MANAGMENT and select iSCSI MANAGMENT.
  4. You will need to set up your disk volumes for iSCSI  acess to  be available. Note: You will need to have space available on your RAID array when it is initially created. If you use all the diskspace in the array creation you will not be able to set up any volumes.
  5. Once the disk volume(s) is created a default iSCSI indentifier (iqn.2009-05.com.promise:ns4600.yourdiskname) will be available for each volume you created, identifiying the disk volume on the iSCSI initiator of your host system.
  6. Once you have completed this process, go to your iSCSI initiator and log in to the NS4600. Be sure to input the IP address of the NS4600 port on the host initator side.

2. Install RHEL 6 on your created ISCSI disk is pretty fast forward. Follow the installation steps. When asked if you want to install your system on a “specialized device” check the box and proceed with the installation until done.

3. Now install DD-WRT on the e3000. All the information on how-to do this can be found on: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Linksys_E3000

4. Then you’ll have to configure the usb device and install optware following this link: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Optware%2C_the_Right_Way

5. Install the tftp-hpa package on the dd-wrt router. You can do this by ssh-ing to it and use:

#ipkg install tftp-hpa

Enable the optware tftp server

#service xinted on

then enable dnsmasq in the dd-wrt web interface!

6. Download the gpxe-1.0.1-gpxe.kpxe from: http://rom-o-matic.net/gpxe/gpxe-0.9.3/contrib/rom-o-matic/ and place it into the routers /opt/tftpboot folder. Rename the file to gpxe.kpxe. Now create the boot file (i used the name kvm because if have my kvm server on iscsi) kvm.gpxe. Enter the following lines to it:

ifclose net0
ifopen net0
dhcp net0
sanboot iscsi:

7. Add these lines to the “Additional DNSMasq Options” in DD-WRT

dhcp-boot=net:#gpxe,gpxe.kpxe,, #This is your routers ip address

Restart the router 😉